Driver Support is also known as

  • Driver Support
  • Driver Detective
  • Drivers Headquarters
  • DriversHQ

About Driver Support

Driver Support was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Austin, Texas. The company is certified as Trusted by AppEsteem, a Microsoft cybersecurity team that helps protect 2.5 billion people experience a “clean internet”. Driver Support offers a subscription-based service that helps computer and internet users maintain an efficient operating system. It claims that customers will never receive any unwanted utilities or Shareware when installing and using its software. It states that it protects devices such as desktops and laptops from intrusive events that can hamper a user’s privacy, security, and even productivity by using the industry’s leading services and tools. The Driver Support website provides new customer guide and tutorials that explain the service and the process, including how to install the software and why it may be important to use. Some common driver problems that people face are that the driver is out of date, or is missing, corrupt, or damaged, or even that the current driver is not the correct driver for the device. New Driver Support customers can get started easily by downloading the software from the site, purchasing and scanning your device, then allowing the software to fix and optimize your drivers. Subscriptions will cost $9.99 per month and are set up on an auto-renewal basis to prevent any lapse in driver optimization. The subscription also includes 24-hour technical support. Customers may find that they no longer need the Driver Support software or service for any reason and decide to cancel. For those customers, we have created an easy-to-follow guide that provides instructions on how best to reach the company and what personal information they will ask you to access your account before they can cancel it. Continue reading if you would like further details.

Driver Support CANCEL GUIDES

Get together the following account information:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Username
  • Password
  • Billing Address
  • City
  • State/Province/Region
  • ZIP/Postal Code
  • Country
  • Reason for Cancellation
  • Last 4 Digits of Card
  • Date of Last Charge
  • Amount of Last Charge

Phone (Live Agent)

Follow these steps:

  1. Using your phone, call (877) 615-2407
  2. Let the rep know that you’re calling to cancel
  3. Give the rep your account info when they ask
  4. Request to be refunded
  5. Make sure that you won’t be charged again by asking the rep explicitly
  6. Request proof of your transaction in the form of an email or confirmation number
  7. Be sure to retain your cancellation proof for your records

MORE ABOUT Driver Support

Address 17600 Capital of Texas Highway
Address 2Building B, Suite 350
Zip/Postal Code78731
CountryUnited States
Contact Information
Phone 1(877) 615-2407
Phone 2(877) 615-2403
Phone 3(877) 636-2850
Email 1[email protected]
Email 2[email protected]
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