Sports Illustrated is also known as SI Sports Illustrated About Sports Illustrated Sports Illustrated is an American sports magazine. It was founded in August 1954 by Henry Luce. The magazine is published on a bi-weekly basis. There are over 3 million subscribers, with over 20 million people reading the magazine each week. It is […]
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MealPal Cancel Guide
MealPal is also known as MealPal Mealpass About MealPal MealPal was founded in 2015. MealPal offers lunch and dinner subscriptions to the best restaurants in your area. The founders of the company are Mary Biggins and Kati Ghelli. You will be able to purchase meals at restaurants that are in the MealPal network. MealPal lunch […]
RegCure Pro Cancel Guide
RegCure Pro is also known as RegCure Pro About RegCure Pro RegCure Pro was developed by ParetoLogic, based out of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. ParetoLogic was founded in 2004 and is a software development company that also developed PC Health Advisor, a registry cleaner similar to RegCure Pro. RegCure Pro promises faster speeds along with […] Cancel Guide is also known as HD Vault About is an adult video website. It features adult content that is intended for mature audiences only. You must be at least 18 years of age to access the website. The company is owned by S.F. Jones Limited, which was founded in 2014. The company […]
Paynowhub Cancel Guide
Paynowhub is also known as Pay Now Hub Paynow Hub Paynowhub About Paynowhub Paynowhub is a third-party merchant service. It is owned by Epilum Limited, which was a company started in 2013. The headquarters are located in Horsham, United Kingdom. The company processes payments and billing for various online subscriptions and memberships. If you […]
CRSCR Cancel Guide
CRSCR is also known as CRSCR CSCR Credit Cosmo About CRSCR CRSCR is a third-party billing company that handles the billing and customer support for CreditCosmo. CreditCosmo is a credit report and credit monitoring company. It was founded in 2015. The company is based in Charlestown, Rhode Island. The company provides credit monitoring […]
Bikerplay Cancel Guide
bikerplay is also known as bikerplay About bikerplay Bikerplay is an online digital media company that offers movies, music, books, and video games. The company was founded in 2014. The parent company is Content Roots Limited, which is a company based in Leeds, United Kingdom. Bikerplay currently serves customers in the United Kingdom, the United […]
Road Runner Sports VIP Cancel Guide
Road Runner Sports VIP is also known as Road Runner Sports VIP About Road Runner Sports VIP Road Runner Sports was founded in 1983 by Mike Gotfredson after he lost his job. The company remains family-owned to this day with some 975 team members serving their customers. Road Runner Sports specializes in running and other […]
Kohl’s Cancel Guide
Kohl’s is also known as Kohl’s Kohls Kohl’s Credit About Kohl’s Kohl’s is an American chain of retail department stores. Kohl’s was founded by Maxwell Kohl in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1962. The chain was purchased by a group of investors in 1986 and became a publicly traded company in 1992. Currently headquartered in the […]
My PC Backup Cancel Guide
My PC Backup is also known as My PC Backup PC Backup Inc. About My PC Backup My PC Backup was launched in 2010 by JDI companies. JDI also operates Just Develop It. My PC Backup is located in Glendale, California and JDI headquarters are located in Burlington, Massachusetts. My PC Backup […]